Many believe that Lawyers are not ethical human beings and that they do not enforce the law or protect the rights of our society. Many believe that lawyers merely use the law and re-interpret the law for the advantage of those paying them to do so. Therefore they are being unethical to the law the purport to serve, as they manipulate the law to mean whatever it is that they wish it to mean for the highest paying clientele. Now some would argue that they are ethical and helping their clients from being abused by law. Yet if so they are not enforcing the law, but modifying either its intent, definition or letter of the law using case law and arguments which are vaguely relevant to any particular reality of the law.
So when arguing the question are Lawyers Ethical, one would have to come to the conclusion that they are pragmatic at best and outright criminals at worst. Yet any lawyer worth his salt will immediately object to such statements and say ask the questions;
What do you mean when you say Ethical?
What is your definition of Law?
What do you consider a definition?
What exactly is a client?
What exactly is reality?
What do you mean by the comment of pragmatism?
This is how a lawyer can justify their criminality or decisions to hide in the shawdows of the gray area of law and proclaim themselves members of a noble and ethical profession and slayers of evil as they enforce the laws for the betterment of the whole of our civilization. Of course all their talk and boloney is pure and utter hokum, but it is nice to know where they are coming from as the refute Caesars best advice; "the first thing we do is kill all the lawyers!" In fact if lawyers were as ethical as they say, we would not have to kill them, as they would kill themselves to save our civilization from their obvious attacks on the truth and our laws. Think on it.
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